Tanbridge Academy has many supportive parents. Included are some testimonials about the school and people’s experiences.
Student testimonials
"Tanbridge has helped me develop as a leader. The small classes allow me to concentrate and receive help with my schoolwork. My classmates have good character, and there is a good mix of nice people in our school. My teachers are kind, and they always encourage me to work on my weaknesses, but they celebrate my strengths. I like circle time because it "lightens up my day" and gives me a chance to reward my classmates for being nice. Coach Tyler pushes me and is a really good teacher. I like seeing how much the other players have improved. Tanbridge is a great community, and I'm proud to be part of a growing school."
"This is my first year at Tanbridge, and I am in grade 5. A few of my favourite things about Tanbridge are that I love that I can do my favourite sport (acro dance) at school three times a week! Also, I really like how there aren’t a lot of students in my class and that I know everyone in the school! My most favourite thing about my school is how kind all of the kids are to each other."
"Tanbridge has nice teachers, and there is lots of love. Tanbridge is a happy school where I get to be active and try lots of different sports. My favourite sport is dance. My favourite subject is art, and there are lots of nice people. I learn something new every day."
"This is my third year at Tanbridge Academy. The biggest difference for me between Tanbridge and my old school is the small class. The class my first year was half the size of my old school! This provided me with more attention, and I was on the honour roll by my second year. I made connections right away with my teachers, classmates and my principal. Even though we have sports programs, academics is definitely the main focus at my school. I have the privilege of participating in the hockey program three mornings a week, and I have the best hockey teacher!"
"I am in grade three at Tanbridge, and this is my first year. From my very first day, I loved my new school. My teacher is amazing, and she challenges me every day! She lets me work ahead when I am ready to learn something new. Sometimes I even get to work on the grade 4 assignments. My class is small, and I have made awesome friends. I am in the dance program this year, and my dance teacher is great. We also go on amazing field trips. I also love how the school is like a big family. We can go into our class if we are at school early and just relax and read a book while we listen to music. I love going to school!"