Frequently Asked Questions - Tanbridge Academy | Top K-9 Private School in Calgary Area
Tanbridge Junior Programs AWARDED the 2023 Community Votes Award for Best Children's Program in Calgary. Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

Admission Questions

May I visit the school?

Absolutely, a personalized tour for your family is available and is an important step in each student’s completed application process. Once we receive your request for tour submission, we will contact you to discuss your preferences and availability.

What do you look for in an applicant?

Tanbridge Academy seeks students and families who believe strongly in developing the whole child within a holistic education, incorporating values, leadership, social, academic, sport and cultural ideals.

What documents are required upon registration?

Signed Financial Agreement
Separate $1500.00 non-refundable registration fee (to be applied to tuition upon acceptance)
The payment schedule and method

Does Tanbridge Academy offer mid-year admission?

Absolutely, provided we have space available in the grade of interest! If your family is relocating to the local area, we would welcome an application. Families who would like to transfer their child/ren from another local Calgary-area school midway through the school year should contact the Tanbridge Enrolment Office directly. Please call us at 403-259-3443 or send an email:

What are the fees to attend Tanbridge?

The cost for a Tanbridge education varies based on the co-curricular activities in which each child participates. Please book a tour or contact us for more details about tuition.

Can I pay my tuition fees online?

Tuition fees may be paid through Plastiq credit card website. Please select your payment options listed under payment schedule options. Tuition and fees subject to change without notice. E&OE.

Sports Questions

What sports get offered at Tanbridge?
Hockey: - Cardel Recreation Centre Grade 1 - 3 Tuesdays only from 10:45 - 11:45 am Grade 4 - 6 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 9:30 - 10:30 Grade 7 - 9 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 8:15 - 9:15 ​ Equestrian: - Silver Haven Equestrian Grade 4-9 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 8:00 – 10:00 (Advanced Group) 9:00 - 11:00 (Beginner’s Group) Dance

Fitness Studio at the school. ​

Kinders - Thu 10:30am - 11:30am Gr 1 - Tue 11:30am - 12:30pm Gr 2/3 - Tue 10:30am - 11:30am Gr 4/5 - Tue/Wed/Thu 9:30am-10:30am Gr 6-9 - Tue/Wed/Thu 8:30am-9:30am


- Tanbridge gymnasium Grade 1-3 Tuesdays only from 10:00 - 11:00 - Foothills Field House Grade 4-9 Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 9:00 - 10:00
Do you have extra-curricular activities?

Yes, for grade 7-9 students, we offer cross country running, volleyball, basketball, floor hockey, badminton, soccer, track & field​.

Education Questions

What is the average class size?

Our average class size at Tanbridge Academy is 18 for our junior academy, kindergarten program and grade 1 - 9 classes.

What is your academic focus?

At Tanbridge, the academic focus is on language arts​, math, science​, social studies​ and leadership.

Do you offer complementary classes?

Yes, our complementary classes are culinary arts (additional cost)​, art, digital media​, photography, Spanish, parks & rec, and drama.

Do you send homework home?

Regular homework will be assigned​. Students will be responsible for maintaining a homework binder in which they keep track of homework and store homework materials. Students will carry this with them to all their subject classes. Students are expected to take this home each day after school.​ Two outstanding assignments will result in students missing sport sessions to complete them.​

What is Tanbridge's commitment to parents and students?
  • Building a strong relationship with you and your child​
  • Establishing a safe, secure, and predictable environment for your child​
  • Establishing open and frequent communication with you and your child​
  • Setting successful expectations for your child’s learning


1. Academic focus​

2. Develop independent work habits and transferable skills (self-advocacy, study skills, process, and organization skills)​

3. Leadership skills/character development​

4. Sports training

What are the Tanbridge Pillars?

The Tanbridge Pillars are tolerance, ambition, nobility, balance, respect, inspiration, diligence, generosity and enthusiasm.

How does Tanbridge recognize student achievements?

Students from grades six to nine have the opportunity to be recognized for the Titan Award at the end of the school year. The criteria for this “Leadership and Character Award” are: ​

Continuous academic improvement, embracing the Tanbridge Pillars (Being tolerant, ambitious, noble, balanced, respectful, inspiring, diligent, generous, and enthusiastic), strong work habits​ and leadership qualities in school and in the community.

Year-End Awards ​

  • Titan Award​
  • Honour Roll (80%+ average across 4 core subjects)​
  • Honour Roll with Distinction (90%+ average across 4 core subjects)​
  • Subject Excellence (student achieved a grade of 80% or above in an individual core subject)​
  • Subject Improvement (student has shown consistent improvement in any core course)​
  • Excellence in Complementary Courses ​
  • Athlete of the Year (sport participation, athletic ability, sports person conduct, respectful, strong leader)
How do I keep up to date on what my children are learning at school?

Teachers at Tanbridge are in regular contact with parents, either collectively through weekly emails with updates on learning, homework, events etc. or individually as needed.

We encourage our parents to contact teachers to discuss any issues and to arrange meetings if necessary.

How many reporting periods do you have at Tanbridge Academy?

Tanbridge provides reports every term for parents. This is a summary of students’ performance in all aspects of school life, curriculum and sports.

Additionally, Tanbridge holds parent meetings every term where parents are encouraged to meet with the relevant teachers and other staff members to discuss their child’s progress.

We encourage our parents to contact teachers to discuss any issues and to arrange meetings if necessary.

General Questions

Do you have a school uniform?

Yes, we have classroom uniforms ​and uniforms for physical education. Please refer to the uniforms page for full details.

Are there rules around uniform?

Any uniform violations will be dealt with immediately, and parents will be informed of the student uniform infraction. Parents will be contacted through e-mail or phone call if the uniform worn by the student is incomplete or inappropriate, and students who are non-compliant will not be permitted to attend classes.​

Friday casual day.​

- No flip flops, tank tops or crop shirts. Dresses and shorts can be no shorter than two inches above the knee.

Which door should be used?

Grade 6-9 students are asked to enter the side doors in the junior high wing.​

Grade 2-5 students are asked to enter through the main doors. ​

Kindergarten and grade 1 students are asked to enter though their wing door. ​

Can I visit the school?

All visitors need to sign in at the school office. Visitors should make an appointment through the office with the appropriate person. ​ Parents are asked to contact teachers to schedule an appointment at a mutually convenient time.

What is TAPA?

The TAPA committee will be established in early September. It will be comprised of parent volunteers who will initiate and plan different activities for the school throughout the school year. Information will be provided with details regarding the TAPA Committee. All parents are welcome.​ TAPA President: Scott Mundy

What procedure do I follow at drop off?

We ask that all parents and student drivers drive sensibly and with an awareness of the increased traffic flow in the parking lot. Watch for pedestrians, park only in designated areas and refrain from idling in nearby driveways or laneways.   

Parents or guardians must provide the school with written documentation informing the school of any special arrangements or changes in transportation.

We have implemented a staggered pick up and drop off time for our parents. We will have designated entrance and exit doors for specific grades. This will minimize the number of students exiting out of one door. ​

Parents/Guardians and caregivers must remain outside the school to pick up and drop off their children. ​ 

Drop-off Times: 

Students from grades 1-9 will arrive at 8:20 a.m.  

Kindergarten students will arrive at 8:25 a.m. ​

JK/JA Students will arrive at 8:55 a.m.

Pick-up Times: 

Students in Junior Academy and Junior Kindergarten, will be picked up at 3:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday & on Fridays @ 2:10 p.m.

Students in Kindergarten, will be picked up at: 3:00 p.m, Monday-Thursday & on Fridays @ 2:20 p.m.

Grade 1-9 students will be picked up at 3:15 p.m. Monday - Thursday & @2:30 p.m. on Fridays

My child has food allergies, what snacks are allowed?

We have students who have been identified as having peanut or other food allergies. Exposure to certain foods, including peanuts and peanut products, can have very serious and sometimes fatal consequences. It is our desire to promote as safe an environment as possible for all Tanbridge Academy students. Therefore, we are asking all families to be vigilant in monitoring the food items that they send to school. Please avoid foods with peanuts, peanut butter, peanut oil, or any other nut products.

It is important to keep in mind that such conditions can be virtually impossible to enforce, and as such is something that we are unable to guarantee. The school is highly “allergy conscious” and will make every attempt to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for all students.​

Energy drinks and pop are NOT allowed at school.

What is your cell phone policy?

All students with cell phones will be asked to keep them stored safely in their backpacks for the day. ​Students are only allowed to check their phones during lunch. This will take place in their homeroom. Students are not permitted cell phones outside for recess. ​

If parents need to contact their child during school hours, they can call the school receptionist at 403-259-3443.

Is there a bus service available for students?

We have a bus service that currently has two routes with stops in the following communities: ​ Woodlands, Kelvin Grove, Parkland, Lake Bonavista, Millrise, Somerset, Cranston, Auburn Bay, Mahogany, Heritage Point, Legacy and Silverado.

How does Tanbridge raise funds to support its programming?

Fundraising opportunities are managed through TAPA. We encourage parents to get involved during the year. There are multiple opportunities to be involved.

Do you have a lunch program?

We offer students the option to order food through our lunch program.